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You’ve probably heard the saying, “Practice makes perfection isn’t just a saying”

… well… It’s a fact.

You may have heard the term “muscle memory” to describe the ability to remember movements, or perhaps to describe the ability to quickly regain muscle mass that is lost after periods of inactivity.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Practice makes perfection isn’t just a saying”


What is muscle memory?


Muscle memory is the act of engaging a specific motor task in memory through repetition.


While your muscles themselves can’t remember anything, they’re full of neurons attached to your nervous system that play a role in motor learning. Any movement requires brain activity, and repeating a movement, even complicated ones, often triggers recognizable patterns in the brain regions responsible for motor skills. Which leads to a learned movement that will require less brainpower in the future.


How long does it take to achieve muscle memory?


It takes approximately 10,000 hours to master a skill, so to be the best microblading artist you can be, you need to practice as much as possible. Doing it daily can help you train your muscles better, especially during the first few days, because otherwise, you can easily forget what you’ve learned.


While learning Microblade, you are instructed to practice your work in latex. This is the most crucial of your training. Not only are you preparing to work on living skin, but your hands are learning muscle memory and getting stronger.


You will notice that when you start, your hands and fingers are sore, after a while. It will be like second nature. But, if you stop practicing, you will lose muscle memory as well as hand strength.

The practice of latex should be part of your daily routine. Whenever you can, practice a little. Be sure to practice with a latex that has texture similar to human skin and of high quality, for example, MICROBLADING PRACTICE LATEX SKIN – BASIC STROKES. We suggest that when you practice  you do it with the same tool with which you will do live procedures, for example, MICROBLADING + SHADING DISPOSABLE TOOL.


High-quality latex, for example, is a crucial part of having an excellent and accurate result. Latex Practice also gives you the ability to get creative with new patterns, new shapes, and shading (manual or machine). Even as a certified artist, I practice every day. It’s a ritual. It’s also a bit of ASMR or therapy, just unpluggingand stabbing! Commit to being the  best and live your best eyebrow life!


How often should you practice microblading?


Since the procedure requires the esthetician to draw fine lines, it depends on their skill on how well they can make it look. Also, not everyone has the same skin type or eyebrow growth.


Microblading results may vary depending on skin type, age, skin condition, and more similar factors. Since it is not as invasive as permanent tattooing, it depends on the texture of the skin and must be drawn carefully. It is crucial to understand these various details to get the more natural-looking eyebrows, which is the goal of this procedure. That is why it depends largely on the skills of the beautician who performs it on how well it turns out.


Microblading should be practiced for at least one or two hours a day.  The more you practice, the more your muscle memory will develop. This, in turn, will help you improve at microblading and make the most subtle strokes with ease.

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